75 years ago, at the end of the Second World War, Antwerp was liberated by the Allies.
To remember history, Antwerp organized a big celebration entitled: "Always free, never to be taken for granted".
To remember history, Antwerp organized a big celebration entitled: "Always free, never to be taken for granted".

In the evening there was a big video projection on the city hall of Antwerp.
Because the town hall is in the scaffolding through works, projection was done on a large canvas.

In collaboration with Sylvester productions, Steven Martin and the city of Antwerp, New Solid visualized the scenario. We were allowed to browse through a rich archive and we brought old photos back to life.

New Solid also did post production for the audio track. We mixed the voices, looked for matching music and brought everything to life with sound effects.

But there was more. It was a total spectacle with actors who played scenes in front of the canvas.
It became a deeply moving performance.

A report and movie of the evening on the facebook page of GVA.
End Client: City of Antwerp
Production: Sylvester Productions
Artictic director: Steven Martin
Content Creation: New Solid
Technical realisation: VidiSquare, Ampli
Production: Sylvester Productions
Artictic director: Steven Martin
Content Creation: New Solid
Technical realisation: VidiSquare, Ampli
...and many others