New Solid was asked to think of a visual concept to be used in the IBC Entrance hall in order to promote their newest 4K projectors.

New solid came up with an interactive clock. Using 4 white circular shapes as a projection surface, the clock was created using projection. The image of the clock was perfectly mapped on the disks.
On regular intervals the clock transformed and a surprising animation was triggered.

The circular shape and the clock animations were also integrated into the new Christie booth that travels around the world.

Start the movie to some the transition of the clock and some animations.
End Client: Christie Digital
Technical Production: Coolux by Christie
Concept: New Solid (Bart Tauwenberg)
Video Content: New Solid (Bart Tauwenberg, Pieter Neyens, Maarten Venermen, Blubvideo)
Technical Production: Coolux by Christie
Concept: New Solid (Bart Tauwenberg)
Video Content: New Solid (Bart Tauwenberg, Pieter Neyens, Maarten Venermen, Blubvideo)